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This library allows launching a crash activity when the app crashes, instead of showing the hated “Unfortunately, X has stopped” dialog
Sample Screen

How to use
One-step install
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.TutorialsAndroid:crashx:v4.0.19'
…and you are done!
Of course, you can combine this library with any other crash handler such as Crashlytics, ACRA or Firebase, just set them up as you would normally.
Try it
Force an app crash by throwing an uncaught exception, using something like this in your code:
throw new RuntimeException("Kinda!");
Advanced setup
You can customize the behavior of this library in several ways by setting its configuration at any moment. However, it’s recommended to do it on your Application
class so it becomes available as soon as possible.
Add a snippet like this to your Application
public void onCreate() {
super.onCreate(); CrashConfig.Builder.create()
.backgroundMode(CrashConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_SILENT) //default: CrashConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_SHOW_CUSTOM
.enabled(false) //default: true
.showErrorDetails(false) //default: true
.showRestartButton(false) //default: true
.logErrorOnRestart(false) //default: true
.trackActivities(true) //default: false
.minTimeBetweenCrashesMs(2000) //default: 3000
.errorDrawable(R.drawable.ic_custom_drawable) //default: bug image
.restartActivity(YourCustomActivity.class) //default: null (your app's launch activity)
.errorActivity(YourCustomErrorActivity.class) //default: null (default error activity)
.eventListener(new YourCustomEventListener()) //default: null
See the full instructions on :