MTextField Android Library

Akshay Masram
2 min readApr 23, 2019

A new Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on [Google Material Design guidelines]

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Sample Screen


In order to use it, you need to include it in your project.


allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.TutorialsAndroid:MTextField:v4.0.19'

1. Basic

Add com.developer.mtextfield.TextFieldBoxes that contains a com.developer.mtextfield.ExtendedEditText to your layout:


2. Enable / Disable

app:enabled in xml or setEnabled(boolean enabled) in Java.


3. Helper Text & Error Text

NOTE: setting helper or error text to anything not empty will make the bottom view (which contains the helper label) visible and increase the height of the TextFieldBoxes. So if you want to always keep the bottom view visible (height increased), set the helper text to " " when there should be nothing.

helper text: app:helperText in xml or setHelperText(String helperText) in Java.

app:helperText="Helper is here"

error text: setError(String errorText, boolean giveFocus) in Java.

Param giveFocus determines whether the field will gain focus when set error on. If true, the field gains focus immediately.

NOTE: Error will be removed when the text changes (input or delete).

setError("Error message");

4. Prefix & Suffix

! NOTE: Prifix and Suffix attributes should be set to ExtendedEditText.

Use app:prefix in xml or setPrefix(String prefix) in Java to set the unselectable prefix text at the start of the field.

Use app:suffix in xml or setSuffix(String suffix) in Java to set the unselectable suffix text at the end of the field.

app:prefix="$ "

5. Max & Min Characters

NOTE: setting max or min character will make the bottom view (which contains the counter label) visible and increase the height of the TextFieldBoxes.

Use app:maxCharacters in xml or setMaxCharacters(int maxCharacters) in java code to set the max characters count. Use removeMaxCharacters() in java code to remove the limit.

Use app:minCharacters in xml or setMinCharacters(int minCharacters) in java code to set the min characters count. Use removeMinCharacters() in java code to remove the limit.

The color of the bottom line will turn to errorColor (red by default) when exceeding max or min characters limit. 0, as default, means no max or min characters limit.

NOTE: Space and line feed will NOT count.


See More Functions of this library on

